This is going to be super short.
We went on
exchanges with Sister Fernandez this week! I stayed in our area this time which meant I got lost a lot, I realized how badly I need to organize notes, and we had some adventures in contacting people. The three of us all came out from the MTC together, so Sister Bill left us a wonderful "Happy one year" note in the bathroom. It's crazy how fast the time flies. We talked a lot about finding and ways we can use the members more effectively to find.
I hope you members of the Church realize how important you are to
hastening the Lord's work. We could not do this work effectively without your help. Thank you.
Karen is this incredible woman we started teaching. Her dad called us and said she wanted to be baptized, so now we're teaching her! She is in her thirties and has some mental disabilities, but she never had the opportunity to be baptized before. It's amazing to see the light of Christ just shine through her as we talk. Every single lesson, she tells us about how she gave one of the pamphlets to a friend at work :) I love her desire to follow Christ completely!
We had
interviews with President Hansen this week. I am so grateful for the order of this Church. I know that those in leadership positions are truly called of God. I know President Thomas S. Monson is our prophet on the earth today. What a blessing it is to be able to be led by a modern-day prophet! I know revelation can and will come as we seek for and apply counsel from our leaders.
Speaking of which, how are your goals from General Conference? Have you applied that counsel in your life yet?
Jace and Abby were baptized this Saturday! It was such a sweet day. Their older sister was baptized about a month ago. Their mom hasn't been coming to church for several years, and their dad isn't a member of the Church. The dad has been showing more and more interest with every lesson, and we will be going to Temple Square with them this week! It's amazing to see the strength of the youth here. Their examples of faith and determination to follow Jesus Christ just shines for everyone around them to see. I love this family so so much!
We had dinner with Kat
and her family this Friday. It was SO FUN. Their family is so sweet. They've been through so much, and it's neat to see how they are letting the gospel in to change their lives. Kat's husband hasn't been active for several years, she is not a member but is extremely interested, and their nine-year-old daughter wants to be baptized! It's amazing to see how the Spirit touches people's hearts to open them to the message of the restored gospel.
We decided we need to tell each other's stories at dinners. And it was a blast :) It's amazing the things you find out about your companions when you spend 24/7 with them.
I love this work! I love how every single day presents a new challenge. This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I will forever treasure this time I have had to grow close with my Father in Heaven and my Savior. I love watching Him shape me and others into His disciples.
I love you all!! Remember to smile and expect miracles :) The Lord is always watching over you. The Book of Mormon is true! I invite each of you to read it, especially every day. There is a tangible power that comes into our lives as we make daily reading of the Book of Mormon a priority in our lives.
Sister Holbrook
1 Nephi 4:6
Romans 5:19
THIS video. Oh my goodness. What does Christ mean to you?

The whole family
Us with Abby and Jace! They are so sweet. And hilarious.
We found a CORN MAZE!! It was at a ward activity and probably the size of our living room. BUT it was awesome :)
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