We moved from our beautiful home at Grandma M's to a new (temporary) home at Grandma S's! It's this cute little house that we live on the main floor of (hallelujah no stairs with luggage) and it feels a little like we're on a vacation. We will probably move again in the next week or two (or three...) once the stake finds a place in Centerville South (we're in Bountiful right now), but for the moment we're enjoying the house :)
This particular week seemed to drag on FOREVER. We had two exchanges, all of us had a little meltdown/dying moment/needed to sleep a few hours at some point this week. BUT we also saw miracles! Three people came to church this week, our recent convert's husband has come to church four weeks in a row, we were able to get everything packed and moved out within a few hours, and we have two younger girls who are praying about baptismal dates!
I got to spend some time with Sister Toutai and Sister Smith on exchanges this week. I love being able to interact with these Sisters and learn from them! Sister Toutai just reminded me of the importance of having meaningful back up plans for every hour of every day. Sister Smith helped me to remember to take a step back sometimes to figure out what's most important. I love how revelation comes through exchanges!
We ate so much this week... ugh. Side note for those preparing to go on missions: you're signing up to expand your ability to eat. There comes a point in your mission where you're able to just put food in without tasting or thinking of the effect on your tummy that's about to explode inside. BUT if that's what gets us in a door or to meet someone, I'll do it. (Don't worry mom - I'm only taking two bites of dessert and managing my portions - it's just by the third dinner, you can only do so much)
We have incredible leaders here. We have the blessing of meeting with our Stake President each week. He knows who the people are and exactly how they are progressing. We all take assignments and report back each week. We have a senior couple who helps us out with finding, new member lessons, and people that we just can't teach anymore because they aren't progressing. We have ward mission leaders and Bishops that we are mostly in contact with daily. There are families we have dinner with who will do everything to make sure someone is at dinner who needs to meet with the missionaries. We have a mission preparation class every Sunday morning. I am continually blown away by the faith of these members to accomplish the Lord's work in this stake.
The Book of Mormon is true! If we will pray in faith, go with a question, and ponder to seek revelation, Heavenly Father will give us the answers we are seeking for. Often times, those answers come as we read the scriptures. I know He is in charge. He will lead us along.
I love you all! Remember to smile and expect miracles :)
Sister Holbrook
This is pretty fantastic. Church history is absolutely fascinating!
I've met at least 10 people that I'm related to this week. #welcometoutah #smallworld
Our thank-you note at a place that feeds missionaries for free :)
My fabulous companions at one of the three Halloween parties we went to on Friday. #trunkortreat