This week didn't have too much
happen, so I was going to enlighten you all on the craziness of a Sunday in the
life of a Salt Lake City missionary.
Instead, we got a phone call from
President Hansen this morning.
Sister Bill has been called as a
Sister Training Leader and is going to Centerville with Sister Shields!
Which means....
Sister Lwin, Sister Banaña, and I
are in a trio over the whole stake again!!
Woot woot!
Sister Lwin will move into our
apartment with us. It's an Emergency Transfer - one of the sisters is
going home in the middle of the transfer and so Sister Bill is replacing her.
Sister Lwin is done with training but we do have language study now! Sister Banaña
has been out 9 weeks, Sister Lwin 6 months.

Basically, it's been a super
overwhelming morning.
I'm super excited about being over
the stake again. Just overwhelmed by all that needs to happen today. So it's
going to be a little short today.
The scriptures of my mission thus
far. I love these two places so so much.
Our appointments fell through one
night, so our super fast bathroom break turned into an invitation from the
Spanish branch to join their Book of Mormon study group! It was SO COOL! My
Spanish is a little better than I thought it was :) The best part was being
able to feel the Spirit testify of the truthfulness of what was being taught,
despite the language barrier. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I
know the prophecies and the promises contained in that book will all be
fulfilled, and they have been! Alma 37:17 I
love the spiritual power that comes from reading, studying, pondering, and
praying about the Book of Mormon every single day.
We had a rough time this week where
most of our investigators dropped us - they either ignored us for long enough,
stopped keeping any commitments, or told us they didn't want to meet anymore.
It was really hard to see these people I love so much choose to not accept the
gospel - the one thing that can really allow us to experience joy in this life.
It just breaks my heart. I can't even begin to describe it. Our Heavenly Father
loves us even more, and I just think of how much it must hurt Him when we
choose to not follow the commandments He has given us. Yet, He still allows
each one of us to choose for ourselves. Our job as missionaries is to teach
clearly, simply, and powerfully enough to help our brothers and sisters make
the correct choice.
Like I said, short email this week.
The gospel is true! It is the only source for us to enjoy true, lasting
happiness both in this life and in eternity. I know our Savior, Jesus Christ
lives! He loves us! Through His Atonement, we can return to live with Him and
our Heavenly Father. I love being a missionary. I love sharing this joy with
others! I invite each one of you to pray, to read the Book of Mormon each day.
This is the greatest blessing in my life, and I am so grateful for this time I
have to share the gospel with my brothers and sisters.
I love you all! Remember to smile
and expect miracles!
Sister Holbrook
A lovely rainbow to close a beautiful, rainy Sunday.
Happy First Encampment! There's a park in our stake commemorating the spot where the first pioneers came and camped after Brigham Young said, "This is the place." They have a celebration